Kate Sypek Kate Sypek

Midsummer Newsletter / Exciting news!

Hi friends! As I’m sure you can tell, it’s been a hot minute since my last updates. Multiple factors caused me to take a step back from work for a while, but now I’m back and ready to roll. And back with some exciting news at that.

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Kate Sypek Kate Sypek

March Newsletter

Happy April! Pumped we made it here, as March felt endless. It was tough for personal reasons as well as nationally, not to mention the totally uncharacteristic freezing cold So Cal weather. It had its good moments too though.

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Kate Sypek Kate Sypek

February Newsletter

We made it through February! In many ways, February seemed just like an extension of January - it was full of more unprecedented LA rain, colds (seriously I didn’t know a household could go through so many tissues), and more home organizing. But it also had its differences.

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Kate Sypek Kate Sypek

January Newsletter

Happy New Year, and welcome to my new site! I’m hoping to post a newsletter at the end of each month with site updates, life updates, and studio updates. Update city. Here we go!

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